About 2021 DQL

A global research on the quality of a digital wellbeing in 110 countries (90% of the global population). This study indexes the countries by looking at five fundamental pillars that define the digital quality of life.

DQL index is calculated by looking at the impact of five core pillars: internet affordability, internet quality, e-infrastructure, e-security, e-government

The Digital Quality of Life (DQL) Index reveals insights into what factors impact a country’s digital wellbeing the most and which areas should be prioritized to improve it.

The 2021 edition of the index is a third issue of an annual research that offers a unique understanding of the overall digital quality of life based on five core pillars. These five pillars are internet affordability, internet quality, electronic infrastructure, electronic security, and electronic government.

DQL is a study conducted by Surfshark, a cybersecurity company. If you have any questions regarding the DQL, you can contact us at media@surfshark.com.

Study full metodology

*We have found an error in Broadband internet stability data for Slovenia. After adjustments Slovenia ranks:
DQL index rank - 34th
Europe rank - 23rd
DQL rank dropped down - 11
Internet quality index – 39th/0.56
Broadband internet stability - 76th/0.89
Worst criteria rankings:
Broadband internet stability 76th

Global rank
Global ranking out of 110 countries
Ranking index
Rank in
First time ranked DQL rank jumped up DQL rank dropped down DQL rank not changed Compared to 2020
Internet Affordability rank / index
Time to work to afford the cheapest mobile internet rank / seconds
Time to work to afford the cheapest broadband internet rank / minutes
Internet Quality rank / index
Mobile speed rank / Mbps
Broadband speed rank / Mbps
Mobile internet stability rank / index
Broadband internet stability rank / index
Mobile speed improvement rank / index
Broadband speed improvement rank / index
Electronic Infrastructure rank / index
Individuals using the internet rank / per 100 inhabitants
Network readiness rank / index
Electronic Security rank / index
Cybersecurity rank / index
Data protection laws rank / score
Electronic Government rank / index
Online Service Index rank / index
AI readiness rank / index

in DQL global ranking

Best and oposite in pillar ranking

Best criteria rankings

Worst criteria rankings

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